Liturgical Ministeries

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrates what is occurring in heaven. Altar servers reflect the heavenly Mass in an earthly manner, which gives focus and meaning to all the promptness and reverence that altar servers give. Altar servers reflect the service of the angels and saints in heaven to Christ at the altar. The altar server reflects the true reality that is already occurring, which gives deeper meaning and understanding to why the altar server is reverent. They receive special training to understand the reality of the Mass and become familiar with the names of the objects on the altar.
Are you interested in serving with Father during the Mass? Become an Altar Server. If you have received First Holy Communion and would like to join others in serving, please speak to any one of the Adult Servers, or Email Father Andrew.

The Sacristan prepares and oversees the articles and elements required for the Liturgy so that all the members of the worshipping community can take their full, conscious and active part in the liturgical celebration.
If you are interested in helping in the ministry, or becoming a sacristan, please contact MarieAnne H.

A greeters ministry is essential to any church, because it is how the faithful feel welcomed into our community of worship and family. For newcomers, it is their chance to see a smile, and ask a question and for regulars it is someone who can remind them when the missiles are for sale!
If you have a cheery disposition and are ready to be the welcoming arms of Jesus, please consider becoming a greeter. Contact MarieAnne H and she will help you begin this very rewarding ministry.

The two requirements for lectors listed in the General Instruction are that they are to be truly suited to perform this function and that they should receive careful preparation.
Prayerfully consider if the Lord is calling you to this essential ministry, and then contact Roxanne R who will help prepare and train you.